High Court For The State Of Telangana

User Registration Form for RTI Application

Are you a Citizen of India? *
Note:- Only alphabets A-Z a-z and special characters . and 'Space' are allowed.
Father's Name*
Note:- Only alphabets A-Z a-z and special characters . and 'Space' are allowed.
Note:- Only alphabets A-Z a-z number 0-9 and special characters , . - _ ( ) # are allowed.
Pin code*
Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ?:*
BPL Card No.*
Scanned copy of BPL Card (only pdf , jpeg , jpg and png files upto 1 MB)
Security Question*
Security Answer*
Email ID (to be used as USERNAME)*
Mobile No. (For receiving SMS alerts and Activation Key)*
Enter the Validation code :

768396 Play CAPTCHA Audio

Please Enter OTP sent on your mobile no for requestId :
Enter the Validation code :

921157 Play CAPTCHA Audio

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